Weekly B - Mallory Fogt

This week we turned in Exercise 1 and started learning about CSS styling. We learned about changing font size and color, creating ids and classes, and creating style sheets. We also leaned how to create folders to organize our files.

For my exercise 1, I created a page with images, and links to other pages teaching users how to make friendship bracelets. I learned a lot by working on this exercise and got a lot of practice with h ref commands and adding photos to pages. I am wondering if it is possible to put .heic files into visual studio code, because I could not get that to work, and I had to convert my heic files to png files. One thing that I always forget to do is change the title for the tab at the top of the page. I am also still experimenting with the spacing for the margin and padding and figuring out what looks the best. As time goes on I hope to be able to code more naturally without checking my notes every time I write a new line.

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